May 29, 2012

Tuesday's Tip #3

I was thinking about several different topics for this blog post but I settled on giving a list of the best advice that I've ever gotten from other photographers.So here are the gems that have stuck with me over the last 3 years!

1. There will always be someone with crappier gear taking better pictures than you. I guess the nicer way of saying the same thing is that gear doesn't make a photographer. Likewise, just because you can use the "auto" setting of a DSLR doesn't mean you are awesome... even if it is the latest model. Pictured above are the first cameras that I used when I was just starting out shooting digital (I no longer own my film SLR). They are a Sony cyber-shot and a Pentax Optio 50L. They are far from the tools of my trade now but they helped me develop my eye and I still carry them from time-to-time. It sounds cliche but some of my best shots were taken using them- it's true. So resist the urge to buy, buy ,buy in the hopes that some piece of equipment will transform your art. I think all you really need is a camera and maybe a tripod (but you can even get around that).

2. You have to take pictures to develop as a photographer- sounds obvious I know. Saying it another way: it doesn't matter how much you know about your camera, how awesome an in class workshop you went to last week, or how inspired you are by someone else's work until you can change your actual images as a result! If you want to grow it's the age old advice- Practice, practice practice!!! I have often fell in a slow time and didn't know how to keep going... I have taken pictures of some pretty strange stuff just practicing lighting and developing my style.Yes, above you are seeing images of pots and pans, a chef knife and a dripping faucet- you do whatcha gotta do.

3. Be yourself and don't chase trends. While some trends are cool if you chase every trend you'll always be behind and your clients will notice. I think as long as you have learned and understand the basics of exposure and composition- then just do what you want! It only by developing your own style that you could ever be "cutting edge", maybe you'll set your own new trend or maybe you'll just find great happiness in your own art rather than always trying to pretending to take pictures like someone else. Despite what I've just said that doesn't mean its not cool to try and imitate something you found inspiring- just give credit when you do that and be yourself!

So I guess I'm kinda low on technical tips and stuff this week but I think that this stuff is just as important. Keep shooting and keep growing. I don't think I'll ever want to stop pushing myself to be better!

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